In this case, the data can be recovered if we can manage to change the case of the card. First, suppose that the card case is damaged physically and the controller, as well as the flash chips, are intact. Now, back to the recovery process we have three scenarios. Moving forward, the card has a File Allocation Table (FAT) compatible with all OSs. Secondly, it has a controller that runs the disk abstraction algorithms. It is composed of the flash memory, the circuitry controls the flow of electricity during read\write operations on flash memory (flash chips). SD cards are basically solid state devices, as they don’t have any moving parts, as in CDs, DVDs, floppy, etc. Let’s see what is inside of an SD card and see what and how we can recover the data from it. Also, try using different card readers at least you can take an image of the drive. At most, it will show you the content some of the time. But most of the time, it won’t make any difference.

Check the contacts on the card and clean it with thinner or petrol, etc. Two things would be working on cards, physically and virtually. Now coming back to our cases for the SD card data retrieval activity. The symptoms of a corrupted SD card are that you can’t access any data on the card and it is showing garbage data, like weird named files on the drive. But first, how would you know if the SD card is fully corrupted. Two types of things are to be considered when dealing with a corrupted SD card. Recovering data from the corrupted micro SD card is somewhat difficult and challenging, compared to other types of data loss. As the use of micro SD cards increased, due to their usability in Smart phones and cameras, data loss is a common issue that might be due to corruption of the card or deletion of the data mistakenly or unintentionally.